
University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Swansea College of Art

BA (Hons) Fine Art 2015-2018 

Neath Port Talbot College

Foundation Art and Design 2014-2015

Group Exhibitions

11/06/2021: Untitled - Mission Gallery

10/02/2019: Open Competition - Queen Street Gallery- Neath

8/12/2018: 9to90 Community Exhibition - Volcano- Swansea

11/05/2018: Against The Grain - Swansea College of Art

9/01/2018: Inception - Volcano Swansea

27/11/2017: Inception- Grand Theatre Swansea 

09/06/2017: Tabula Rasa- Swansea College of Art

17/11/2016: Welcome to Tataland- The Royal British Legion- Port Talbot

03/06/2016: Amalgamation- Swansea College of Art

27/08/2015- Foundation Final Show- Tabernacle Newydd- Port Talbot

28/02/2015- Foundation Group Exhibition- Constitutional Club- Port Talbot

Solo Exhibitions

23/02/2018: Deconstructing Talbot - Taste-Brasserie- Port Talbot

Work Experience
Mission Gallery 2019 - 2019

This was voluntary position that required helping setting up art exhibitions, organising the shop display, helping with maintenance, and working with IT.

Neath Port Talbot College 2018-2018 (only for 2 weeks)

This was work experience at a local college as a art technician role. I was setting up workshops, helping students, doing some teaching for 16 to 18 year old’s, and attempt to fix IT related problems when they arrive.

Swansea Print Workshop 2016-2017

With voluntary work in Swansea Print Workshop I was assisting with workshops, organising materials for workshops and setting up for art exhibitions and workshop activities.